Saturday, July 30, 2005

WiFi phones are coming

A WiFi phone is a phone for making a voice call, over a wireless (typically over a WLAN connection). They can be "merged" with mobile phones into a single device (like this one by NEC for DoCoMom available in Japan), they can be "made" by just adding a WiFi capability to an existing device (such as a handheld), or they may look like your typical cordless phone at home.

From a Wireless Wallet point of view they are interesting because the WLAN can be used as a comm link for transactions. See this article too.

Daily Wireless has a good article on "WiFi Phones"; there are quite a few of them out there and more are coming out as VoIP is moving into the home/consumer market since a WiFi phone that uses wireless to connect to the broadband connection makes sense. See also this other Daily Wireless article on some of the latest VoWiFi (Voice WiFi phones) coming out now or in the near future.


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